Thursday, May 15, 2008

Isabella's special day!

My new scooter! Catch me if you can....

So excited about her presents...

Isabella made her wish and wanting to get the Care Bears off the cake.

Such a big girl now!

It sure has been a very busy month, so far. Isabella celebrated her 3rd birthday, on the 10th and had such a great time. Her birthday cake was all about Care Bears with a lot of balloons...which she loves! Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Mimi and Uncle Patrick helped celebrate and she received a lot of cool gifts. She was very happy and excited! As you can see by the pictures, she was a "HAPPY CAMPER!" :)

Isabella started swim lessons on the 12th and is having a fun time. If it involves water, she's there! I will take some pictures and post them soon.

Our next adventure will be traveling to VA., to visit family. Isabella can't wait to see all of her cousins, Aunt She-She and Uncle Dwayne...she will have a blast!
I will be posting again soon. Take care...


Brandi said...

How much fun!!! Wish we could have been there. I guess next year we can celebrate some birhtdays together. Isabella needs to come by and get her birthday present sometime soon. I actually got it wrapped before Friday so it is ready for her to tear into. I'm so glad you started a blog so we can keep up.

annieck said...

How cute is she?! I feel like I see you guys all the time but always in the car! :)
I want to see Isabella's beautiful face in person! :):):)